Computer processing power is usually measured in the number of operations a computer can complete per second, or its “operating frequency” in GHz. The faster a computer’s operating frequency, the faster it processes information. However, there are upper limits to how fast a computer can process information that is dictated by physics and not software. This is why no matter how much we would love for it to be different, there are some things that our computers will never be able to do as fast as we want them to.
Luckily, there are ways around this. By using techniques such as parallel processing and distributed computing, you can get more out of your computer than you ever thought possible. Keep reading to learn more about these methods and how they work with your computer…
Parallel Processing
Parallel processing is when a computer executes multiple tasks at the same time. These tasks are broken down into smaller chunks of work, and each chunk is processed at the same time by different parts of the computer. This will allow the computer to get more done in the same amount of time as compared when it was doing only one task at a time. Parallel processing can also be used to increase the speed at which a single task is completed by distributing that task across multiple processors.
This is often done in scientific fields or when dealing with large amounts of data. There are two types of parallel processing: data parallelism and task parallelism. Data parallelism is when a single computer is broken up into multiple parts that are working on the same data set. Task parallelism is when multiple computers are working together on the same task.
Distributed Computing
Distributed computing, sometimes referred to as network computing, is the practice of running computing tasks across multiple computer systems connected via a network. Typically, these computers are broken into two different types. There are the “computers,” which are what we normally think of as a computer. And there are “nodes,” which are computers that are only doing a portion of the overall task.
These nodes are often added to a network in order to increase the amount of overall computing power available for a single task. Distributed computing has become more and more common as the internet and computer systems have grown in size and complexity. This is why you may have heard of the term “cloud computing,” or “the cloud.”
Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is a type of distributed computing. More specifically, it is a model for delivering computer services where remote servers are used to store data and run computer applications. These servers are usually delivered through the internet as a service, but they can also be accessed through a company’s intranet. Cloud computing allows multiple computers to access and use these resources at the same time.
Cloud computing provides benefits like reduced capital investment, increased flexibility, and an ability to scale automatically. Cloud computing has become very popular and is used in many different industries. Cloud computing is often mistakenly thought of as distributed computing, but they are two different things. Distributed computing is the practice of breaking up a computer’s workload across multiple computer systems connected via a network.
Cloud computing is when the computer systems that are used in distributed computing are hosted across a network of computers that are managed by a single organization.
Computer CPU Speed Limits
Computer CPU speed is usually measured in gigahertz (GHz). However, there is a limit to how fast computers can operate as dictated by physics. The speed of light is around 186,000 miles per second and the electrons in a computer must be able to travel from one end of a CPU to another in a shorter amount of time. Luckily, there are work around for this. One of these is pipelining. Pipelining is when a processor is broken into multiple parts.
Data is then processed by one part at the same time that other parts are being staged and prepared for computation. This allows computers to get more done in the same amount of time. Another work around is supercomputing. Supercomputing is when multiple computers are linked together and working on the same task. This can be done through distributed computing or parallel processing.
As you can see, parallel processing and distributed computing are some of the ways that computer speeds can be increased. However, there is a limit to how much they can be improved. Luckily, there are ways to improve a computer’s performance even further. By increasing the speed and efficiency of your computer’s CPU, you can make a huge difference in how quickly it completes tasks. So if you are looking for a quick way to speed up your computer, check out our